RFT Loader
Let's Fix Software Issues

RFT Loader helps you to update your devices with latest technology.

realme pic

Please Mind Our Terms & Conditions

This tool works on otp or tocken system. Always remember every operations need  one otp or tocken to do a job 

If the process does not succeed, you can ask a refund of tocken or otp from our support team

If the tocken used and the login get success you can’t get refund for this. Our team help you to solve the issue. 

Supported Tools With RFT Loader

RFT Loader

RFT Supports These Tools

Rft laoder support these tools 

  • OPLUS Flash Tool for Development (Old)
  • OPLUS Flash Tool for Development (New)
  • OPLUS Flash Tool for Development (Latest)
  • DlTool 5.6.44 latest version

Keep in mind when tool open select file instant and connect model fastly.Â